(Photo: Autoevolution.com)
ENGLISH- renowned motorcycle producer with the manpower listrikya, Zero, will update the technical and appearance, as well as an optional upgrade to use techniques that are able to fill more quickly batrai doubled.
Pengumum Zero display changes will be experienced all ternamanya products, such as the Zero S, Zero DS, Zero X and Zero MX which will be held on 18-20 February 2011 in Indiana Conventiin dealership Expo Center, Indianapolis, USA.
In addition to upgrading its lineup, which use electric motors as the driving force will present its business plan to introduce a Zero on consumers, as well as opening the company's business network in the region Zero America.
"Our strategy allows to generate electric motorcycle bekualitas very high, which can balance the performance, mileage, weight, affordability and availability. In addition, our new dealership is a business model that can grow rapidly in the retail business environment today," said John Lloyd, VP Sales World Wide for Zero Motorcycles.
For the first time, using optional accessories from Zero, riders can take advantage of other, that can be refueled with the technique of SAE J1772 at every filling station general.
The entire line-up from zero this time equipped with a suspension system that was upgraded, a powertrain Z-Force that has been updated, more precise cost indicators, brakes with higher performance, and features standard components from the manufacturer.
"Thanks to people who have helped build our new lineup, this year our Motorcycle Dealer Expo Zero 2010 will contribute part of their funds at auction to be held the World cycle auction Parkhurst Joe Foundation for college scholarships at the Brain Tumor Foundation," added the Scot Harden .